Here are some tips of what to wear:
- Coordinate – but don’t match. We have seen those families that wear denim and white polos – please don’t be that family! I want your photos to be unique, one-of-a-kind photos. BUT, coordinating neutrals do look great!
- If somebody is wearing a pattern, have everybody else wear solid colors. Different patterns can create too much intensity in a photo.
- Wear something you know you feel comfortable in. I want you to be happy with your photos – I don’t want you looking back at the photos thinking “Why did I wear that??”
- Wear simple clothing.
And here are some tips of what NOT to wear:
- Please don’t wear anything with text on your clothing (this is a professional photo shoot, not a casual picture day!)
- Mismatching patterns
- Shirts with graphics on them
- Intense patterns
- Hair ties around your wrist and bra straps can be hard to edit out, so try to remember to cover those up!
- Lastly, don’t wear something you feel uncomfortable in & don’t bring your child in an outfit you feel obligated to have them in because a relative gave the outfit to you. Remember, these are YOUR photos, so make them your photos by wearing something that you will be extremely flattering!